The publisher and authors gratefully acknowledge the following sources for this anthology:
DAVID ALPAUGH, "Rollfast," "Herbie," "A California Ad Man Celebrates His Art," "The Young," "Hunger Artists," "Impromptu Meeting in the Falklands," "As We Watch MacNeil-Lehrer," "Electronic Epitaph," Counterpoint, Story Line Press, 1994; "Statement," The Formalist; "The Man Who Loves Better Homes & Gardens," Coracle. RICHARD CALLIN, "Naming," Black Warrior Review; "A New Life," "Rope," Hiram Poetry Review; "A Story," Journal of the American Medical Association; "Water Wheel," The Literary Review; "Mist," "Nine One One," The Plum Review; "Touring County Mayo, Eire," Poetry Flash; "The Buick," The Wisconsin Review. SHARON FAIN, "On Hearing Jack Gilbert Talk About Death," convolvulus; "Losing the Drought," Hanging Loose; "One Month at Casa Sotovento," Midwest Quarterly; "High Desert," "Screen Saver," Nimrod; "A Birth," "Isla Mujeres: Weeks Before the Breakdown," "On Seeing the Place Where I First Made Love," Poetry Northwest; "Letters from Sarajevo," Rain City Review. FORREST HAMER, "Lesson," "Pica," "Night traveling," "Goldsboro narrative #37," "Allegiance," "Berkeley, late spring," "Goldsboro narrative #24: Second benediction," "Getting happy," "The calling," Call & Response, Alice James Books, 1995; "Witness," Crab Orchard Review; "Shaping the dark," Poetry Flash. LYNNE KNIGHT, "Bedtime Story," "Dissolving Borders," "Hairpins, Her Story, ""Not Even They Could Stop It, and They Were Myth," "The Story," Dissolving Borders, Quarterly Review of Literature, Contemporary Poetry Series 1996; "Boundless Kingdom," Beloit Poetry Journal; "None of Us at Prayer," North American Review; "Bed and Bone," "Meditation Interrupted by Bats," Poetry Northwest; "O, Penelope!" Poetry; "Lost Sestina," Southern Humanities Review. KATHLEEN LYNCH, "Love: The Basics," Midwest Quarterly; "Yardwork," Peregrine; "Everyone in Your Dreams Is You," "Fishwife," Poetry East; "How to Build an Owl," "Circle," Poetry Flash; "Motel Baby," "Only trees," Poetry Northwest; "Sacrifices," "Anomaly," Quarry West; "Chicken in the Snow," Reed Magazine; "Incubus," Santa Monica Review; "1943," "Drifters," Spoon River Poetry Review; some of these poems also appeared in How to Build an Owl, Small Poetry Press, Select Poetry Series, 1995. JOHN WALDMAN, "Huber’s Tavern," Brooklyn Review; "The Story of a Mountain," The Cafe Review; "The Heat," Lullwater Review; "From the Home of Furious Wonder," "The Den of Finitude," Santa Clara Review; "Shaping," Spoon River Poetry Review; "The House in the Town," Sulphur River Literary Review.